Make Immune Power Juice



Look at all the bright orange colours in these amazing immune boosting fruits. They pack a powerful punch in vitamin C, beta-carotene and other phytonutrients to help give your immune system that little extra boost.

The texture of this juice is thick, smooth and creamy with a natural sweet tangy flavour. It also has a strong aroma from the passion fruits.


  • 1 mango

  • ½ papaya

  • 4 oranges

  • 2 passion fruits

Juicing Time: 7 min
Juice Qty:  800ml



Mango (10 sec)

  • Cut down each side of the large stone

  • Cut each half into halves

  • Juice with skin on

Papaya (30 sec)

  • Scoop out the seeds if you don’t like their strong flavour

  • Cut in several chunks to fit down the chute

  • Juice with skin on

Orange (30 sec)

  • Remove the orange skin leaving as much white pith as possible

  • Cut in half or quarters if too big to fit into the wide chute

Passion fruit (30 sec)

  • Cut in half

  • Scoop out the seeds and pulp into a small bowl

  • Add the flesh and seed together

Juicing Method

I keep the cap closed when making this juice to help blend the flavours.

Start by pouring the passion fruit pulp and seeds in the juicer.

You need to alternate the oranges in between the soft flesh of the mango and papaya.

Add half the mango pieces one at a time. Go slowly as the press needs time to push the flesh through. Then add one orange to help push the mango through.

Next add half the papaya followed by another orange. Again, go slow with the papaya.

Repeat the mango, orange, papaya, orange feeding combination one more time. Keep an eye on the bowl and release the cap once the bowl gets full of juice.

Let the juicer run for a minute at the end to completely push all the fruit through.

Tip: To select a fully ripe mango, look for smooth, leather-like skin as well as a pleasant aroma. The skin should give a little without being mushy.

Healthy Benefits

This juice recipe has over 400mg of plant-based vitamin C to help keep your immune system strong.

Papaya is high in ascorbic acid content of vitamin C and the flesh is very high in vitamin A. Both are needed for the proper function of a healthy immune system and are made in the body from the beta-carotene found in the papaya.

Preventing such illnesses as recurrent infections, colds and flu, papaya is a healthy fruit choice.

Mangoes have over 25 types of carotenoids, high in vitamin C and vitamin A to help boost the immune system and prevent all kinds of ailments. They target the heart, muscles and skin for healing and repair.

When combined with oranges and passion fruit you immune system will be getting all the healthy nutrients it needs.