Make Spicy-Sweet Potato Juice

Close up of sliced kumara


Wow... what a great juice recipe. Look at the bright orange colour of each of the ingredients.

I know you will be blown away by the creamy, smooth texture and the sweet, peppery taste of this juice. As you read about the health benefits these ingredients have to offer, I also know you will want to add this recipe to your weekly juicing regime.


  • 1 sweet potato (kumara)

  • 2 red apples

  • 1 ginger piece (2cm)

  • 1 turmeric piece (5cm)

  • 4 carrots

  • a pinch black pepper

Juicing Time: 9 mins
Juice Qty: 800ml



  • Remove the stems and remove any stickers

  • Juice apples whole with skin and seeds.

  • Cut in half or quarters if too big to fit into the wide chute.

Sweet Potato

  • Cut in half then into thin slices

  • Juice with the skin on


  • Cut carrots lengthwise into halves

  • Juice with skin on

  • Note: If larger carrots are used cut lengthwise again, into quarters


  • Cut off a 2cm thick piece

  • Cut into thin slices leaving the skin on


  • Cut off a 5cm thick piece

  • Cut into thin slices leaving the skin on

juice ingredients laid out on a bench

Juicing Method

Start with the cap close when making this juice recipe. It will help with cleaning the turmeric off the press at the end.

Juice the sweet potato first. Add the thin slices one at a time allowing each one to be fully pressed before adding more.

Next add the carrots in the same way as the sweet potato, one at a time, until the juice bowl is almost full of juice.

Now add the turmeric, then the ginger, and allow it to mix inside the juicer before releasing the cap to let the juice out.

Juice the remaining carrots halves.

Finish with the red apples. Add them whole one at a time.

When serving add a pinch of black pepper to each glass. The piperine in black pepper increases the absorption of the nutrient curcumin found in the turmeric by 2000%.

Pro Tip: Cleaning the juicer

After using fresh turmeric it can be sticky and messy to clean the press. Fresh turmeric gets on everything so here is my tip to help you clean it easily.

Add 400ml warm water and 1-2 squirts of dishwashing liquid to the juice jug. Pour the water into the juicer with the cap closed while the machine is running. Let it run for 30 seconds then add 1 orange sliced with skin on. Let it run for another 30 seconds. The essential oils from the orange skin will help the warm soapy water clean off the sticky turmeric from the press.

Health Benefits

There is a theme to the ingredients in this juice. I trust you will know what it is when you read about the benefits of each ingredient individually.

Sweet potatoes are an excellent anti-stress food and are known to help relax muscles, steady nerves, and balance cognitive function. They are also one of the best anti-cancer foods, along with carrots, and can particularly help to prevent breast, colon, lung, skin, and oral cancers.

Carrots are well know in juicing circles as the anti-cancer kings of the vegetable world. They contain powerful antioxidants including alpha-carotene, lutein, beta-carotene and lycopene to name a few.

Turmeric is truly one of the marvelous medicinal spices of the world. The main component in turmeric, curcumin, has phenomenal anti-cancer properties and has been known to help to inhibit prostate, skin, colon, mouth, esophageal, lung, stomach, pancreatic, liver, and breast cancer.

Apples have it all in the juicing world. They are hydrating, nutritious, and offer many variety of flavours and tastes. There is reason why you see a perfect 5-pointed star when you slice an apple across the middle. They provide a 5 star health rating to those who consume them.

Researchers with Cornell University identified 12 different compounds in the peels of Red Apples, each one responsible for inhibiting cancer cell growth or even killing the cancerous cells. 

I think the best thing to mentioned here is all these powerful nutrients are still in each glass of cold pressed juice. They are raw, living nutrients, not isolated, not synthetic, and not over priced like many supplements. The body recognises them and uses them best when they are made by nature.