Make a Green Pear Juice

pears stacked on boards with knife.jpeg


When you go to the markets and see hard green pears you will want to remember this juice recipe. It is super easy to make and you get plenty of juice from just a few ingredients.

This juice recipe tastes delicious and is very moreish. It has a soft, thick, creamy texture with a sweet tangy flavour. Super Yum 😋

Tip: Pears are best consumed before lunch or dinner. They prevent you from craving sweets and overeating at mealtimes.


  • 2 pears

  • 2 kiwifruit

  • 2 apples (red)

  • 1 celery stalk

Juicing Time: 2 minutes
Juice Qty: 700ml



  • Remove the hard wooden stems

  • Juice whole or cut in half if too big to fit into the wide chute


  • Juice kiwi fruits whole with skin on


  • Remove the stems and remove any stickers

  • Juice apples whole with skin and seeds.

  • Cut in half or quarters if too big to fit into the wide chute.


  • Chop into small thumb size pieces across the stalks (this shortens the long stringy cellulose fibre and stops it from wrapping around the press)

  • You can juice celery leaves, however, it will add bitterness, so discard if you prefer


Best to go from soft to hardest ingredients when cold press juicing.
Start with the kiwi fruits. Drop them both into the chute and let them press through.
Next, add the pears one at a time letting each one press through.
Add the apples one-by-one.
Finish with the chopped celery adding in handfuls at a time.

Health Benefits

Pears are often overlooked by the apple for everyday juicing, but just like apples they are one of the top life-changing foods to consume.

The pear helps rejuvenate the pancreas, an organ that is also overlooked but plays an essential role in converting the food we eat into fuel for the body's cells.

Pears are antispasmodic; they help soothe the lining of the stomach and intestinal tract. The digestible fibre in the juice feeds beneficial bacteria whilst starving out the unproductive bacteria, parasites and fungus.

The flesh is loaded with phytochemicals, trace minerals and amino acids that bind to toxins such as pesticides and expel them from your system.

Pear juice is high in electrolytes which can stabilise blood sugar. Plus, pears are low in calories making them great for weight loss.

I highly recommend you add pears to your juice pantry.