Make a Cashew Nut Butter


I love home made nut butter. It’s simple to make and the best part is, you get to control all of the ingredients.

This recipe has 2 ingredients – nuts and salt. It’s delicious and creamy and once you start making your own butters, you won’t go back.

And, what’s more – it is such a versatile ingredient that you can use it in other vegan recipes – from stir fries, pad thai, cupcakes, cookies and even pasta!

Ingredients (makes ~250g)

  • 2 cups raw cashews (soaked)

  • 1 tsp salt


Step 1: Prepare your nuts 

  • Put the cashews in a bowl with some warm water for about 2 hours (or soak overnight)

  • Drain water from the nuts and pat nuts with a paper towel to soak up excess

Step 2: Blend your nuts

  • Place nuts into blender

  • Touch ‘power on’ button and gently turn the dial so it blends slowly. The trick here is to do this slowly, rather than full force (which spreads the nuts all around the jug and away from the blades) – if your nuts end up around the jug, just use a spatula to scrape back onto the blades and then adjust your blend speed

  • Increase the speed as the nuts start to break down and come together

Step 3: Serve

  • Pour nut butter into a jar and store in the fridge for up to 1 month

RAW CASHEWS – soak them overnight or for 2 hours in warm water, discard water and pat excess off of nuts

ROASTED CASHEWS – you can use roasted cashews and then you don’t need to add oil or soak them.

OIL – if you want to add oil, you don’t need to soak cashews, just use raw cashews with 1-2 tbsp coconut oil – but honestly, it doesn’t need it, the cashews contain enough good oils!

USE BY: Home-made nut butters need to be kept in the fridge and will keep for about 1 month.
