Make a Watermelon Cooler Juice Recipe

Final Juice


This juice recipe is so quick and easy to make providing lots of healthy juice for hydration and cooling down inflammation in the body.

It has a sweet, green, and earthy flavour which I especially like coming from the skin of the watermelon when juiced. 

Ingredients being prepped


  • 1/8 watermelon (half a quarter)

  • 2 cucumbers

Juicing Time: 1 min

Juice Qty: 800ml

Serves: 2

Ingredients Cucumber and Watermelon



  • Leave the skin on for this recipe

  • Cut the melon into slices about two fingers wide

  • Cut the slices in long strips about three fingers wide

  • Juice with skin on


  • Cut into chunks to fit down the chute

  • Juice with skin on


One of the easiest juices I have ever made.

Just add any combination of watermelon or cucumber pieces one at a time until you have juiced all the pieces.

Make sure you don’t overfeed the machine by adding too many pieces too quickly.


Tip: place the juice in the fridge for a few hours before drinking to enhance the cooling nature of the juice. Some of the soluble fibres will float to the top others will sink to the bottom. Just give the juice a shake or stir before drinking. This is not the same as separation that comes from a fast-spinning juicer.

Health Benefits

Weight loss, cooling and hydration.

Watermelon is an excellent fruit that effectively hydrates, detoxifies, and cleanses the entire body on a cellular level. It is rich in vitamins A and C as well as lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

Watermelon is also known to significantly reduce inflammation, help flush out edema, aid in weight loss, and alleviate depression.

The skin of the watermelon is equally beneficial as it is one of the highest organic sodium foods in nature and one of the best sources of chlorophyll.

Cucumber juice cools most inflammatory or heat conditions, including stomach inflammation, conjunctivitis, sore throat, acne, and inflamed skin diseases. Hence the saying cool as a cucumber.

Cucumbers are also allies to the liver due to their ability to hydrate it. Your liver’s always in need of living water that’s filled with minerals and other nutrients because your liver keeps your blood hydrated. It relies on sources such as cucumber for that living water.

Happy Juicing!