Make the Turmeric Shot

Tumeric Juice on Table

Turmeric Juice on table


This immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory turmeric and ginger shot recipe is fiery and will help your body fight back against anything that tries to take hold of it.

I just knock back a 50ml shot and wait for the spicy, hot flavour to come through. If you don't like the spicy flavour wash it down with another juice.


  • 2 turmeric pieces (5cm)

  • 1 ginger piece (5cm)

  • 1 celery stalk

  • 1 orange (retain the peel)

Time: 2 mins
Juice Qty: 175 ml
Serves: 3

Various veges on white background

Various veges



  • Cut off a 5cm thick piece

  • Cut into thin slices leaving the skin on


  • Cut off a 2cm thick piece

  • Cut into thin slices leaving the skin on


  • Chop into small thumb size pieces across the stalks (this shortens the long stringy cellulose fibre and stops it from wrapping around the press)

  • You can juice celery leaves, however, it will add bitterness, so discard if you don’t like this


  • Remove the orange skin leaving as much white pith as possible

  • Juice whole or cut in half if too big to fit into the wide chute

Juicing Method

Start with the turmeric as you want to get the maximum amount pushed through the juicer. You can add all the chopped pieces together at once.

Next add all the chopped ginger.

Add the chopped celery in handfuls at a time.

Finish the juice with the whole orange. Just drop it into the chute and allow the machine to press it through.

Tip: keep the peel of the orange! When finished juicing add all the peel to the juicer and pour 400ml of water down the chute with the smart cap closed. Run the juicer for at least 1 min. The essential oils from the peel will help clean the sticky turmeric stains from inside the juicer. It is amazing!!!

Juicing Ingredients

Juicing Ingredients

Healthy Benefits

Turmeric is one of the most studied spices in the world with thousands of people looking into its health and healing benefits every day. I could easily fill an entire book on the many health benefits this root has to offer.

Let's start with it boosting the health of your immune system through its amazing anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties it holds.

Note that the inflammation seen in chronic illness is due to the body’s natural immune response to a foreign presence such as a virus, bacteria, toxin — not, as many sources mistakenly say, due to the body turning against itself.

I think turmeric is critical to calm down anything in the body that’s inflamed and causing pain, from nerves to joints to inflammation in the brain.

Also after a workout or any heavy day's labor, try to consume more turmeric. It can shorten recovery time for muscles, ligaments, and joints after exercise, and it also acts as an antiinflammatory for any minor injuries.

The main component in turmeric, curcumin, has phenomenal anti-cancer properties and has been known to help to inhibit prostate, skin, colon, mouth, esophageal, lung, stomach, pancreatic, liver, and breast cancer.

But this doesn't mean that curcumin supplements when extracted and isolated from their whole food source, will have any of the benefits of turmeric.

Use the real food, the way mother nature made it.

Health Tip: if you’re dealing with congestion, cough, sore throat, cold, flu, and/or sinus problems, try drinking this turmeric shot recipe periodically throughout the day, take tiny sips. The juice will help speed up the healing process.

Happy Juicing!