What to Do with the Pulp

Certainly, repurposing leftover juice pulp is a fantastic way to make the most of your juicing experience. Here are some creative ideas and recipes compiled from around the internet:

  1. Juice Pulp Muffins:

    • Combine pulp with ingredients like flour, eggs, sweeteners, and baking powder to make delicious and nutritious muffins.

  2. Pulp Crackers:

    • Mix pulp with flaxseeds, spices, and water to create a pulp-based cracker dough. Dehydrate or bake for a crunchy, fibre-rich snack.

  3. Pulp Smoothie:

    • Incorporate juice pulp into your next smoothie for added fibre and nutrients.

  4. Pulp Soups:

    • Enhance the texture and nutrition of soups by blending in juice pulp.

  5. Pulp Pancakes:

    • Mix pulp into pancake batter for a nutrient-packed breakfast option.

  6. Pulp Ice Pops:

    • Combine pulp with fruit juice and freeze for refreshing homemade ice pops.

  7. Pulp Pasta Sauce:

    • Add pulp to your favorite pasta sauce for a boost of fibre and flavour.

  8. Pulp Veggie Burgers:

    • Combine pulp with beans, grains, and spices to create homemade veggie burgers.

  9. Pulp Granola Bars:

    • Mix pulp with oats, nuts, and sweeteners to make your own granola bars.

  10. Pulp Salsa:

    • Create a flavourful salsa by adding juice pulp to diced tomatoes, onions, and herbs.

You can store juice pulp in the freezer until you're ready to use it in these creative recipes. If you have other innovative ideas for using juice pulp, feel free to share them with us on Facebook or Instagram.