Make a Bone Health Juice


This juice recipe is full of Silica one of the body’s foundational minerals.

Silica is unbeatable for its bone-building and bone-protecting properties. It can improve bone density, and bone flexibility and may help if you suffer from any bone degeneration diseases and conditions with labels like osteoporosis, age-related bone loss, or other bone density issues.

If you’ve had an injury where you’ve broken or fractured a bone, dislocated a joint, or pulled a hamstring, silica is crucial for repair and recovery.

There are many foods that are high in silica. These foods include melons, cucumbers, artichokes, asparagus, celery, and leafy greens.

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain to assist with swelling.


Light, clean, and very hydrating. A well-balanced juice flavour that would suit all palettes sweet and savoury. Easy to drink!


  • 4 cucumbers

  • 1 asparagus bunch

  • 2 baby spinach handfuls

  • 2 celery stalks

  • 1/2 pineapple

    Juicing Time: 7 mins
    Juice Qty: 1000 ml
    Serves: 2



  • Cut into chunks to fit down the chute

  • Juice with skin on


  • Place the stalks in the freezer for 15 mins (this will make it easier to extract the juice)

  • Juice whole


  • Chop into small thumb-size pieces across the stalks (this shortens the long stringy cellulose fibre and stops it from wrapping around the press)

  • You can juice celery leaves, however it will add bitterness, so discard if you don’t like this

Baby Spinach

  • Wash well to remove dirt

  • No need to cut anything


  • Slice off the outer skin

  • Cut into long thin strips to fit down the chute

  • Chop the core into small chunks


To make this juice start with the baby spinach. Crunch a handful of leaves into a ball in your hand and drop the ball into the chute. Repeat with the second handful.

Next, add the cucumber pieces one at a time allowing the juicer to press each piece through before adding more.

Add the asparagus next 2-3 stalks at a time.

Once the asparagus has pressed through start adding the pineapple pieces one at a time leaving the core pieces till last.

Finish making the juice by adding the celery in handfuls.


Tip: for added bone health try drinking herbal teas that are high in silica and add some raw honey. The best ones include nettle leaf, oat straw and rose hip herbal tea.

Health Benefits


Cucumber juice is highly alkalinizing and very hydrating. When your blood is well hydrated it can carry more oxygen which increases energy levels, kills bacteria and viruses and improves circulation.

Cucumbers can counteract toxins and lift depression; cleanse the blood; quench thirst, moisten the lungs, and purify the skin.

Cucumber juice also cools most inflammatory or heat-related conditions, including stomach inflammation, conjunctivitis, sore throat, acne, and inflamed skin diseases. Hence the saying cool as a cucumber.

Cucumbers are also allies to the liver due to their ability to hydrate it. Your liver’s always in need of living water that’s filled with minerals and other nutrients because your liver keeps your blood hydrated. It relies on sources such as cucumber for that living water.

Plus you get lots of juice without any calories.


The asparagus plant is rich in the compound amino acid asparagine a natural diuretic that breaks up oxalic and uric acid crystals stored in muscles and in the kidneys and eliminates them through the urine. This is where asparagus gets its name.

Asparagus contains aspartic acid which is another amino acid that neutralizes excess amounts of ammonia in the body that is often the cause of exhaustion, headaches, and poor digestion

It is also high in glutathione which is an antioxidant powerhouse and particularly beneficial for those suffering from autoimmune conditions, liver disease, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. 



Celery is technically a herb however we eat it and cook it like a vegetable.

Celery juice is very alkalising in the body, which is extremely important after a good workout to help flush lactic acid from the body.

If you want to learn about the amazing benefits of drinking celery juice I highly recommend the book titled Celery Juice by Anthony William.

Here is a summary of the main benefits mentioned in the book:

  • fights autoimmune disease

  • flushes out Strep bacteria

  • assist with acid reflux

  • kills Epstein-Barr & Shingles virus

  • raise hydrochloric acid levels

  • improve brain function

  • restores adrenal fatigue

  • flushes out liver toxins

  • reduces liver heat


Spinach contains twice as much plant-based iron as most other greens. It can help restore energy, increase vitality and improve the quality of blood flow.

Spinach creates an alkaline environment in the body and provides highly absorbable micronutrients to the nervous system.

Spinach can help build blood cells and even stop bleeding. It has a cooling nature that can cleanse the blood of toxins that cause skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.

Spinach also has plenty of vitamin A, which is beneficial for night blindness. Along with other green leafy veggies, spinach is one of the foods eaten by people who don’t get cancer. It has four times more beta-carotene and three times more lutein than broccoli.


Strengthens the immune system. Look at the amour of protection around the flesh. The fruit can take up to 2 years from flower to fruit. It has to outlast all four seasons... twice!!!

This resilient, strong nature of a single pineapple gets passed onto us when we consume them.

Pineapple has large amounts of vitamin C like its orange cousin, but it also has bromelain, an enzyme that helps suppress coughs and loosens the mucus that often accompanies colds.

The power of bromelain and vitamin C work together as a bacteria fighter, mucus cutter, cough suppressant, and overall immune system booster in the body.
