How to make a Green Energy Smoothie using the Kuvings Smoothie Strainer

Spinach green Smoothie next to banana and Spinach

Indulge in a cold-pressed smoothie crafted using your Kuvings Cold Press Juicer, equipped with the smoothie strainer. This delightful concoction serves as an excellent meal replacement or a post-workout refresher. The cold-pressed method ensures its longevity, allowing you to store it in the refrigerator and savor it at a later time.

Ingredients (serves 1)

  • 2 cups Baby Spinach

  • 1 frozen Banana

  • 1/2 cup Walnuts

  • 1 can Coconut Milk

  • 1/2 cup filtered water


  1. Replace the juice strainer and wiper blades with the Smoothie Strainer attachment.

  2. Ensure the smart cap is closed until all the ingredients have been added.

  3. Begin by pouring a portion of the coconut milk and water into the juicer's chute.

  4. Add a handful of spinach to the mix, followed by the banana and a handful of walnuts.

  5. Pour a bit more of the liquid into the chute, then add the remaining spinach and walnuts.

  6. Pour in the last portion of liquid.

  7. Allow the juicer to blend the ingredients. As it is a cold-pressed smoothie, the pressing process may take a bit longer, but the absence of air in the mixture will result in a distinct taste difference.

Enjoy your freshly prepared cold-pressed smoothie, packed with nutritious goodness!

If you don’t yet have the Smoothie Strainer for your Cold Press Juicer, head on over to our Spares section to pick one up!