How to make homemade Cottage Cheese - Kuvings Yoghurt Maker

Using the Kuvings Yoghurt Maker you can make homemade Cottage Cheese. This recipe provides a basic method for making cottage cheese at home. You can experiment with different types of milk, adjust the amount of vinegar or lemon juice used, or even add herbs and spices to customise the flavour to your liking.


1L full cream Milk (blue top)

50 – 60ml fresh Lemon Juice

3g Sea Salt


  1. In a small saucepan pour the milk into it. Place the saucepan on the stovetop over medium heat. It's recommended to use a thermometer to monitor the temperature accurately. Gradually heat the milk, stirring occasionally to prevent scorching, until it reaches 90°C. Keep a close eye on the temperature using the thermometer to ensure it doesn't exceed the desired level.

    Once the milk reaches the target temperature of 90°C, proceed to the next step.

  2. Add to heated milk lemon juice and salt, mix well. The milk will begin to curdle immediately.

  3. Allow to cool to 60°C – 65°C.

  4. Once cooled pour into the Yoghurt Maker Bowl. Secure the lid on the bowl with the handle and place into the Kuvings Yoghurt Maker.

  5. Turn on the power and select the cheese menu (6 hours).

  6. After 6 hours remove bowl from the machine and place directly into the fridge for 3 hours.

  7. Remove bowl from the fridge after 3 hours and pour into the second bowl with the cheese strainer inserted. Secure the lid with the handle and place back into the fridge overnight.

  8. In the morning you will have cottage cheese in the strainer and whey in the bottom of the bowl.

  9. Remove the cottage cheese from the strainer and put into a glass container.

Tip: The longer you drain (refer step 7), the drier and firmer the cottage cheese will become.