How to make a Hot Chocolate Smoothie - Kuvings Vacuum Blender

Hot Chocolate Smoothie in a mug ready to drink

Immerse yourself in the exquisite fusion of velvety cocoa and luscious almond milk, as they harmonise in this delightful hot chocolate smoothie. Crafted with care, this recipe harmoniously unites the virtues of unsweetened almond milk, hearty rolled oats, almonds, a ripe banana's natural sweetness, and the nutritional prowess of chia seeds, all artfully orchestrated and gently warmed on the stovetop.

The following recipe is blended using a Kuvings SV400 Vacuum Blender. You can make the Almond Milk yourself using one of our Kuvings Cold Press Juicers.


1 tbsp Cacao Powder

200ml Almond Milk

1/4 cup Oats

1 small Banana

6 Almonds

1 tbsp Chia Seeds

1 tbsp Manuka Honey

Makes: approx. 1 cup


  1. Put all your ingredients into the Kuvings Blender.

  2. Place the lid on the jug and the noise-reduction cover on.

  3. Touch ‘power on’ button.

  4. Select vacuum blend option.

  5. Let the Blender do its thing.

  6. Pour into a small pot and warm through on the stove.

  7. Pour into a mug, enjoy!