Make a Joint Support Juice


The liquid nutrition in this juice recipe is designed to support good joint health.

The sulfur in broccoli is wonderful for alleviating joint pain, degeneration, discomfort, and for repairing tendons and connective tissue around the joints.

Both cucumber and cos lettuce are high is silica which helps to repair and renew joints. Silica is a trace mineral that is not common in many foods.

Collagen formation around an area of an injury may also be increased with the help of silica in your diet.

Let’s drink to healthy joints!


A refreshing and hydrating juice with a slightly bitter taste.


  • 1 broccoli head

  • 2 cucumbers

  • 1/2 cos lettuce head

Juicing Time: 5 mins
Juice Qty: 600 ml
Serves: 2



  • Cut off the stem

  • Cut the stem into quarters lengthwise

  • Break the florets up into small chunks to fit into the wide chute


  • Cut into chunks to fit down the chute

  • Juice with skin on

Cos Lettuce (Romaine)

  • Cut whole lettuce heads into half and then into quarters and then into eighths

  • Juice in small pieces


  • Thinly slice off the outer skin

  • Juice whole


When juicing with any leafy greens add them to the juicer chute first before adding other ingredients as they are the lightest and the other ingredients will help push them through the juicer.

After adding the lettuce in handfuls at a time you can start adding the broccoli florets. I add a couple at a time and let the juicer press them through before adding more.

Now you can add the broccoli stems one piece at a time.

Next, add the cucumber pieces. Don’t overload the juicer by adding too many too quickly.

Finish with the whole lime.


Tip: you can substitute the cos lettuce for butter lettuce or iceberg lettuce if you want a slightly sweeter and milder flavour. However, cos lettuce has more nutrition benefits.

Health Benefits


Broccoli is an amazing super-food full of vitamins A, C, D, K, calcium, potassium plus healthful flavonoids and even natural Co-enzyme Q10 all of which are in the juice. You don't have to chew on it like a rabbit to get all the benefits.

Broccoli like Cauliflower & Cabbage all have “sulforaphane” that enhances production of phase II enzymes which help remove carcinogens from cells.

Broccoli also contains Valine as an essential amino acid the promotes mental vigor, muscle coordination and calms the emotions.

The National Cancer Institute in America claims that broccoli may reduce the risk of breast cancer. This is due to the chemical indole, that has been found to increase the excretion of oestrogen linked to breast cancer.


Cucumber juice is highly alkalinizing and very hydrating. When your blood is well hydrated it can carry more oxygen which increases energy levels, kills bacteria and viruses and improves circulation.

Cucumbers can counteract toxins and lift depression; cleanse the blood; quench thirst, moisten the lungs, and purify the skin.

Cucumber juice also cools most inflammatory or heat-related conditions, including stomach inflammation, conjunctivitis, sore throat, acne, and inflamed skin diseases. Hence the saying cool as a cucumber.

Cucumbers are also allies to the liver due to their ability to hydrate it. Your liver’s always in need of living water that’s filled with minerals and other nutrients because your liver keeps your blood hydrated. It relies on sources such as cucumber for that living water.

Plus you get lots of juice without any calories.

Cos Lettuce

Cos lettuce is a very nutritious food. It has extremely low-calorie content and high water volume making it a great choice for adding to a juice recipe during summer.

It can significantly contribute to a heart-healthy diet because of its folic acid, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and potassium.

Cos lettuce is a fantastic leafy green that contains all 8 of the essential amino acids. It is also high in omega-3, calcium, and iron and has more vitamin C than an orange.

Its high silicon content helps to repair and renew joints, bones, arteries, and connective tissues.

Cos lettuce contains sedative compounds that relax the nerves and calm the body. It can help prevent nightmares and provide support for a good night's sleep.



When you think of limes think of cleansing your Lymphatic system.

They may only be small but do not let the size make you think they don’t pack a punch. They are ultra-hydrating and electrolyte-producing because of the mineral salts.

Limes also contain some of the most highly absorbable vitamin C around.

Fresh-squeezed lime offers bioactive calcium that your body craves, antioxidant flavonoids for fighting disease, and they help purge many toxic substances like plastics and synthetic chemicals.

Tip: fresh lime juice squeezed onto a small cut or abrasion is a powerful disinfecting, antibacterial aid.
